Tuesday, January 8, 2008

(Lyrics): FractalRant

You know what they say,
"Coincidence is what's left over from a bad theory."
...the cosmic backwash from a hard swallow,
So don't hear what I'm saying: See what I mean.

It's like,
We hold our ears to the seashell of some voice,
Enveloping intelligible yelps, grunts, hums and such,
Which even to a chimp, must sound profoundly like raindrops striking piano keys,
But don't hear what I'm saying: See what I mean.

Let's not wrestle with words,
Which merely robes our breath, breathed into this balloon of suspended space,
...hung in front of us, holding both meaningfulness and deceit that to a pin-pick could
When we're sitting in silence itself,
I'm not speaking- I'm still learning to breathe,
Please don't hear what I'm saying: See what I mean.

You must excuse the squeek, chattering-click-burp of these words,
I haven't learned to exhale nakedly yet.
Plus these fantasies flirt back, and I'm sure of it
As sure as Magic,
As Lovers
The fall of empires and corporate merges.
If you hear what I'm saying, you may be missing the point...

And that's all these are...
Pointing down roads, towards intersections from signposts.
These, points of a fractal grid, desperately mapping what moves and lives,
Where, if you see what I mean,
See what I mean painting sunflower seeds smiling in spirals.
...A double helix speaking in tongues,
Blowing seasons through an Ox's hollow horn,
You know those "Zeros and Ones" encoded sounds from the Source.

I swear there's mountain monks shopping at Wal-Mart,
Deciphering prices of sales
Falling and rising
With tides of the ocean's timing.

And to that end...I'm willing to bet,
The telling of tales, or landing of heads
Is a cyclical flip of a coin of Da Vinci's I Ching making its points
I beg you: Don't hear what I'm saying in exchange to see what I mean.

See the spinning Sufis, spinning Rumi,
Rolling sushi like David Suzuki doobies,
Lucidly living,
You and Me
Meaning the meridian points of the city's chi,
Acupuncture potholes funneling coffee cream,
Exchanging goods between the true and the beautiful.

Meaning being molcules where Air is the altar we lay our needs upon,
Inhaling DMT dreams because "give and take" implies scarcity
And it's all for the sharing

So I'm singing a song sang once,
I'm saying so!
Chasing the other half of rainbows,
Making halos
Saying: One Life, One Love, One Payroll

See what I'm saying by seeing what I mean,
Taste trees with tastebuds to the outer edge of that eye's horizon,
Sink stars, tracing questions marks in sand, sound and stone
Pulled to a cone point
From the Milky Way to DNA
Spiralling to a pinhead size of a...SHHHHHH!!
Don't listen: Look

Into the eye of the cyclone.
The drum hollow between the Now and the Big Bang dotted blank,
Twisting Milky Way to DNA
To Ying Yang
Fate and Chance

Listen to me?
See for yourself.
What I say is "Thank You"
What I really mean is...

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