Wednesday, January 9, 2008

(Lyrics): WoMan'n Man

I stand before as my consciousness, but don't get me wrong:
Skin and Flesh? Mocassins! -I'm talking about walking within.
Within riddles, thoughts and concepts,
Logic, reasons and knowledge...
I'm not a noun, and neither are you if we're a part of each other's process.

What I'm sharing is good news, but it's a word of caution
For, many of us are invested in seeing ourselves as objects.
Separate entities, lost and anonymous
Customers, clients, cogs in the machine
Constantly clocking
As if we're pawns being played, and our fate is of causelessness...
As if we're names on a list,
Or mere faces of an audience.
And maybe you're right,
And maybe that's not...
And we're created to create and nothing really is "wrong."

We could be the flesh of the stars, afraid of our own light,
With every past and future life ever lived IN ONE TIME.
We could be the patterns of pi,
Extension chords dangling from the night sky,
In one sight.
And from these eyes: You are the Big bang.
...the fingertip extended from Heaven's Hand.
A whisper wishing Thanks to be given this inner glance,
...the seed planted PROVING the union of Woman and Man.

Woman and Man.

...your ex-Lover's fond memories,
Two halves of truth.
...perfection unrecognized, and I'm not trying to flatter you.
I don't have to: Everything Speaks for itself.
You're Jesus walking on water no less than anything else.
You're as close to Mother Nature as a bag of granola,
...Jahweh, Jah, Muhammad, Buddha, Moses, Jehovah...
Condemning ourselves in our ignorance,
And I don't mean to offend you, but how can anything ever "sin"?

We're hobbits holding hope from Gollumn's common non-sense,
There ain't an entity BRAVE enough to be your opposite.

Woman and Man.

I see wizards, withdoctors, shamans and monks,
Priests and popes amongst us flaunting Souls like alms.

And it took me this long to see it: We're like mirrors,
Reflecting images mirroring back, each time more clearer.
And when two mirrors face each other with no image between them,
They stare at infinity, always still, and always reaching
...possibilities unseen, the potential the wizards dream with,
We are the imagination of one, with one handful of meaning,
And everytime we saw this, it rippled through history,

For two mirrors facing each other is everyone's mystery.

Woman and Man.

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